
Category: <span>Trends & Statistics</span>

Strengthening Of The Real Estate Market of Greece

Strengthening Of The Real Estate Market of Greece

The growth in demand for real estate has increased and creates new conditions not only because of interest from foreign investors, but also thanks to local buyers. A study conducted by the IOBE group for the last quarter of 2018 showed that 0.8 % of the country’s population said they would consider buying residential real...

A New Leader in Real Estate Rental Prices Appears in Germany

A New Leader in Real Estate Rental Prices Appears in Germany

Munich held the title of the most expensive city to rent out in Germany for 20 years. But, now, the situation in the real estate market has changed. Stuttgart bypassed the capital of Bavaria. In Stuttgart, the average net rent (excluding additional costs such as heating and insurance) reaches €10,41 per square meter, according to...

Significant Growth in Sales of Luxury Real Estate Units in Spain

Significant Growth in Sales of Luxury Real Estate Units in Spain

The Golden Visa program in Spain has attracted many foreign investors since its launch in 2013, during the economic crisis. The resident investment program provides foreign buyers who invest at least €500,000 in real estate with a 20-day permit. The Spanish luxury real estate market in the third quarter of 2019 is at the peak...

Slovakia Real Estate Market Continues Its Progressive Development

Slovakia Real Estate Market Continues Its Progressive Development

Many market analysts say that real estate investment in Slovakia has increased. Over the nine months of this year, the cost of residential apartments has increased by 6.67% compared with the figures for 2018. Note that last year, prices per square meter in Slovak cities rose by only 1.37%. Today’s result can be considered the...

How Much Does It Cost To Live In Singapore?

How Much Does It Cost To Live In Singapore?

Singapore is characterized by high business activity and is attractive to entrepreneurs from around the world. Accordingly, such a presence of huge business opportunities also affects the cost of everyday life in the “business capitals”. But, it is worth saying that the prices of essential goods, for example, food, clothing, utilities, basic education or public...

Important News For Those Who Own Residential Property In Los Angeles

Important News For Those Who Own Residential Property In Los Angeles

Recently, namely November  the 19th, a very important event took place. At this meeting, the problem of vacant housing in the city of Los Angeles was discussed. SAJE activists shared their vision of a solution to this problem. The conference was held near the Solair Condominium building in Koreatown. Representatives of the organization provided the...

How Much Real Estate Costs in Singapore in 2019

How Much Real Estate Costs in Singapore in 2019

The cost of residential real estate in Singapore, as well as in most other cities, depends on the remoteness from the downtown, the prestige of the area, housing size, age of construction, and the availability of a fitness center, pool, etc. Adherents of elite housing should turn their attention to the central areas of Singapore....

Where In France Are Job And Affordable Housing Offers Combined?

Where In France Are Job And Affordable Housing Offers Combined?

Meilleurtaux’s study covered 30 French cities and towns. In each of them, experts evaluated job offers on the basis of a permanent contract (CDI) per capita, as well as average prices per square meter for houses and apartments. Top 10: Besancon; Orleans; Saint-Etienne; Grenoble; Rouen; Lyon; Strasbourg; Metz; Kang; Clermont Ferrand. Besancon is not a...