Dual citizenship-a situation where a person has the nationality of two or even more countries simultaneously. In this article, we will consider a list of countries that give the opportunity to get dual citizenship.
Dual citizenship is usually allowed here.
It is considered the worst place where a family can live, but regarding dual nationality, there are no restrictions.
The Australian law permit residents to have two or even three nationalities. This regards people who get a second nationality automatically, for example, after marriage.
It is not only possible to have two nationalities. The country also encourages people who live abroad.
If you are willing to become a citizen of the mentioned nation then here is the place to have two of them.
It is the best place to obtain two nationalities simultaneously. One may become a citizen of Belgium in just three years. However, nowadays it takes five years. Residents may have dual nationality since 2009.
Bulgarians have a right to have several nationalities and those who refused their previous passport may get it again.
Because of its nearness to the United States, the country permits dual nationality to residents who grew up there and then moved to Canada.
In this country, the naturalization process is very difficult but once this stage is completed, you may easily ask for a second nationality.
Croats who have acquired nationality by childbirth or from mother or father are permitted to keep two nationalities.
Cyprus has many citizenship programs and it also supports the dual citizenship system.
From the beginning, it was forbidden to have two nationalities in this country but this law was abolished in 2014.
From the first of September 2015, it is not forbidden to get dual nationality.
If you inform the authorities of your intention to have several nationalities, you will have a chance to get a second nationality. This should be done in one year. In case if you have the nationality of other countries, you will be released from military service, you will not be able to join the Police Academy and work in Parliament.
The citizens of this country may have dual citizenship since 2003.
It has been several decades that the French have the right to have dual citizenship. It always supported this law.
In 2014 it was allowed for young citizens to acquire a dual nationality. This is because of the historical fact. Children who were born abroad constantly had to make a choice between the citizenship of their parents. However, nowadays they may keep both citizenships.
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